Senate Advisory

The Artwork Advisory Working Group
The Artwork Advisory group is made up of three senators to work collectively as an advisory working group with a delegated authority to act on behalf of CIBA, on matters related to the policy.
The Long Term Vision Plan
In coordination with the Senate Administration the LTVP Advisory Committee has been tasked with supervising all steps, processes and decisions involved in moving the Senate and Senators to their new location in 2018. This study may draw on the experiences and management methods used in other parliamentary districts in Canada and abroad. The committee is also to examine the best ways to ensure the renovations of Centre Block respect its heritage and the best interests of the Senate of Canada.

That an advisory working group on Senate 150th anniversary commemorative medals be established, and that the membership of the working group be as follows: The Honourable Senators Joyal and I would co‑chair. Senator Bovey and Senator Unger would also be members of this working group; and That three members would constitute a quorum; and that the working group be authorized to examine and make recommendations for the production of a Senate 150th anniversary commemorative medal, including the elements, the cost of such a program, distribution criteria, design, quantity, schedule and other considerations as required for the implementation of this program.